Modelling nearly done now, which is the fun part, just need to add a roof section and finish off smoothing. Then I need to texture it, the long and tedious part, before sticking it in the GoW engine to see what it ends up like.
Artus in my final major project of a 3 year course studying games design at Hull School of Art and Design.
The game is based on a post apocalyptic world, which ran in parallel to ours until around the invention of electricity. The story tells of how they found another source for their energy, called Seed, which they adapted to work in humans as a sort of mini powerplant. When the energy started disappearing, people started dropping like flies and the world lost over 90% of it's population.
You play a character called Alessandro, a merc working for the company who discovered the energy source.
As I'm planning on becoming a level designer, the primary focus of this level is to show how I can build and adapt levels to include pacing, story, emotion, fun and general gameplay elements as well as the ability to build good look levels which use lighting correctly and take on the correct colours schemes to portray the right mood.
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