Thursday, 17 September 2009

I see the world!

OK, I think I'm happy with the map as it is at the moment. I might add more cities, continents and other places of interest if they have enough relevance to the story later on.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Planet Earth/Zog/X.....Delete as appropriate

I've started making a world map so that I can get a feeling for the layout surrounding Artus and the cities close to it. On this version I've put all the capital cities of the world on, but I think I might remove them and just add markers to places which are relevant to the story etc

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

More Despair!

I reckon I'll do another 2 - 3 posters then I'm done. Maybe do some singular posters that I can dot around town, but they will probably be more 'Eve Industries' and 'Seed' specific.


I'm planning on adding a lot of despair posters around the city. These are to show both the posters they put up for commercial use then later on to pray to god to save them etc. The addition of bloody hand prints and shears of blood should also add a nice atmospheric effect to them.

Finished the actual railway now, just need to finish the stations for people to get on.

Monday, 7 September 2009


I've started to create somo logo's for the different factions, companies etc in game. Here are a few, none of them are by any means finalized, but they give me something to work with.

This was my first try, didn't really worked out how I planned so started again and came up with:
I like this image a lot more, the seed and the colours go with what the company was initially about, using what they uncovered to help the world....making a large profit on the way though. The logo is also memorable and stands out.
This is a logo for the thrones, the company that you, the player, works for.

I've also decided to call the mineral in the game "Seed". Again, I haven't finalized this but it seems relevant. I had a go at translating it into Latin to maybe find something more appropriate. It ended up translating into sperm and semen, so I at least learnt something new today.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

See light at the end of the....track?

I decided that everything was too dark, it's going to be dark enough in the level without my props and assets been too dark as well. So I brightened things up, smoothed out the metal so it didn't look like bad concrete and then made some specular maps. It feels like I've been working on this for far too long but I'm pleased with the result. Now all I have to do is do the lower part and then maybe make some normal maps, but I'm not sure a normal map is needed for these.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Dark and Dingy...always Dark and Dingy!

Texturing has taken me a lot longer then I thought because I originally planned for multiple textures on one object but after reading up on the subject and planning ahead, I decided to break the objects into smaller parts. The texture on the lower support isn't done yet, it just has the bridges texture on, hence the weirdness.

The start of a nightmare

I'm having a bit of trouble with texturing the track. From a distance it seems fine but up close it's really pixelated. The problem is it's reallyyyyyy long, but really thin in most places. I'm not quite sure how to, for example, make the UV's 1024x256 (They have to be to a power of two for them to work in UT3).
To help me with texturing a bit more though, I found a dvd I bought from The DVD was on how to create the ED209 in low poly, high poly and import it into UT3, but I also got another DVD with it about creating a character for a game. It has some really nice tutorials on how to unwrap UV's, so currently I'm working my way through that.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Structurally sound!

I was racking my brains, trying to think of something I could use to keep the station held up but also didn't look out of place. I was holding off using columns as long as I could because I didn't think it would fit right, but after a few different mock ups, I felt this style worked and looks very Victorian, a la steampunk!

Still a long way to go, also saw a picture of a sort of roof over the track which looked good, I'll try and implement that into my station.